Tuesday 7 January 2014

Button Moon - a bad example to Fathers everywhere

Button Moon. It's not a fun jaunt into the cosmos - it's a chilling tale of a man who has failed to come to terms with his priorities and responsibilities. Mr. Spoon is a total self-seeking idiot.  He continually left his wife and child at home while he risked his life to pursue his hobby of astro-navigation.  He could have been killed on every single trip! 


It reminds me of a time when I was at the beach, just reading a book and relaxing when a 4x4 rocked up.  The father got out of the car and proceeded to don a wetsuit, unhook his surf board from the top of the car and then hotfoot it down the beach and into the sea for 45 minutes.  All the while, his young wife and child (in a pram) were standing on the path just shy of the sand waiting for him to come back. She just sort of stood there, bobbing up and down with the baby looking over her shoulder, attempting to pacify it.  Three quarters of an hour later, the father returns wet and happy.  Without so much as a 'you ok?' to his wife, he towelled himself off, changed back into a t-shirt and shorts and then got back in the car. His wife had to pack the child away in the car seat and fold the pram down; struggling as she tried to lift it into the boot. Then they drove away.
As I say, this reminded me so much of Button Moon.  You have to accept that once you’ve had kids, you can’t just fly to the moon every day and have adventures with creatures made out of kitchenware. You have to face up to the fact you have responsibilities and spoons for arms.

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